from September 15 to January 15 2023
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission form is opened from September 18th to January 15th, 2023.
Drosophila Spanish Meeting
14-15-16 March 2024
Sant Joan d’Alacant, Spain

Welcome to the first edition of the Spanish Drosophila Conference. We seek to bring together the large community of Spanish researchers using Drosophila as a model organism. From molecular and cell biology to development, neurobiology, evolution or systems biology, our country has a long-standing tradition built upon the shoulders of great Spanish Drosophilists that contributed to the development of many biological fields. This meeting aims at showcasing the breadth of science currently done using this model system, fostering interactions among young scientists and promoting Drosophila as an essential organism to tackle complex biological questions.
Tribute to Juan Modolell
Within the program we will include a Tribute to Juan Modolell presented by Mar Ruiz and Sonsoles Campuzano.

Registration options and fees
Registration for this conference will cover all the necessary expenses for the organization and the stay at Complejo San Juan.